
Support academic collaboration and resource sharing, establish a professional teaching community, encourage students to make good use of online interactive learning platforms, and build an independent learning model to help parents become peers in their children’s growth and learning, and promote whole-person development and lifelong learning.

Latest News

EdCity is dedicated to encouraging and cultivating a habit of reading among students and addressing the dynamic needs of education. To identify emerging reading phenomenon, EdCity surveyed secondary students and teachers from May to June 2024.
EdCity concluded its inaugural National Identity Mobile App Design Competition with an award ceremony on 28 June. Ms Rita Fan, GBM, GBS, JP, who served as the guest of honour, along with Dr Sylvia Chan, Board Member of EdCity, extended their congratulations and encouragement to the award-winning students.
EdCity recently hosted the fifth edition of the 'e-Generation Joyful Internet Surfing' Parent Seminar. The event featured engaging discussions with experts and parents on how to protect children's vision and improve their cyber security awareness.

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