Back to School: Planner Apps To Help you Master Your Schedule

The beginning of the school year is a crucial time for setting the tone for the entire year. A good timetable that balances studying, and downtime can help you develop healthy habits. Many schools provide academic calendars and class schedules on the first day, giving you a roadmap for the year ahead. But don't just rely on that! Take control of your time by using time management apps to create a personalised schedule that fits your needs and goals.

Three Tips for Creating an Efficient Back-to-School Timetable

  1. Pick the Right App for the Job

Using a scheduling app can save you tons of time and make it easy to adjust your schedule as the year goes on. While there are countless software and apps available, start by thinking about what features are most important to you. Beyond the basics of displaying your schedule by year, month, or week (which helps you plan for both the long haul and those last-minute projects) – look for these awesome features:

‧ To-do list with checkmarks: Helps you track progress and feel good about crossing things off your list!

‧ Friendly reminders: Get friendly reminders about deadlines and important tasks, so you can stay on top of things

‧ Share your schedule: Let your family or study buddies know what you're up to.

‧ Reward yourself: Unlock cool rewards for completing tasks and stay motivated!

The right time management app can make a big difference! It helps you find that sweet spot between studying and relaxing, and it can even help you become more self-disciplined.

Here are 3 free apps that might be just what you need:

Simple Calendar – easy planner: A clean and simple calendar app that lets you organise your day with color-coded events.

To-Do Adventure: Task Tracker: This app is all about making planning fun with colorful interfaces and rewards to keep you motivated.

Focus To-Do: Pomodoro & Tasks:  A productivity powerhouse that uses the Pomodoro Technique to help you stay focused and take regular breaks.

  1. Break It Down: Plan Each Task Carefully

Ka Ming, a senior in high school, is always feeling the pressure. He's got exams to study for, music practice to keep up with, and he wants to stay active with sports. It's tough to find enough time for everything!

When you're making your schedule, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many things you want to do, and it can feel impossible to fit it all in. And even if you manage to make a plan, things don't always go as expected, which can throw off your whole schedule and make you feel stressed.

To make your schedule work, it's helpful to think about your tasks in terms of how important they are and how urgent they are.

‧ Important and Urgent: These tasks should be your top priority since they are time-sensitive and directly affect your learning. For example, keeping up with weekly class material or setting aside extra study time to avoid future setbacks.

‧ Important but Not Urgent: These tasks can be scheduled for regular review and planning, as they have long-term effects on learning progress. For instance, participating in regular band rehearsals leading up to a public performance at the end of the year. It’s essential for Ka Ming to manage each practice session; if he falls behind, those practices may need to be adjusted to become ‘important and urgent’ tasks.

‧ Urgent but Not Important: These tasks can be evaluated based on your weekly or monthly schedule to decide if they should be included. While they have deadlines, they usually won’t significantly impact your learning. For example, a friend’s movie night might be time-sensitive, but if you have too much on your plate, it might be best to skip it.

‧ Not Urgent and Not Important: These tasks can be kept in a separate section of your schedule for when you have some free time. This includes books or shows you’ve been wanting to enjoy, serving as a way to relax and reward yourself.

Once you've got your tasks sorted, you can tackle them in a way that makes sense. Your schedule will show you how you're doing, so you can adjust it as needed, make choices about what to focus on, and get those important things done first. This will help you reach your goals step by step.

  1. Make Your Schedule Work for You (and Make You Happy!)

School is important, but it's also important to take breaks and recharge. So, when you're making your schedule, don't just think about studying and homework. Make sure to include time for fun, relaxing, and spending time with your family. Having time to unwind and do things you enjoy will give you the energy to tackle your studies and make the most of your school experience.

Having a detailed schedule can help you stay organised and on top of things. But the real key is to be self-disciplined and stick to your plan. That's how you'll reach your goals!