Pride in Our Heritage: Celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China

1st October marks National Day, a significant occasion that celebrates our country’s rich traditions, history, and cultural heritage, as well as its remarkable strides in technology and sports. In Hong Kong, national education has become an important element of the curriculum as primary and secondary schools have introduced ‘Citizenship and Social Development’ as core subjects in a bid to cultivate a deeper understanding of our national identity. Additionally, schools are actively organising study trips to the mainland, providing students the opportunity to explore and appreciate Chinese culture firsthand. As we commemorate this important milestone, let us seize the chance to learn more about our country and its vibrant heritage. According to a recent survey, almost 90% of teachers are keen to improve the promotion of 'excellent traditional Chinese culture', 'the magnificent landscapes and historical legacy of the motherland', and national symbols, including the national flag, national anthem, and national emblem within schools. They believe that incorporating these cultural elements both inside and outside the classroom will create a complementary learning environment for students. Teachers are hopeful that effectively using the wealth of quality books and online resources available today will significantly enhance classroom activities and make learning more engaging.

Teachers Expect Strengthened Promotion of Chinese History and Culture in Schools

In May 2024, the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers conducted a survey within the education sector, targeting principals, vice-principals, and national education coordinators. The results revealed that over 85% of respondents recognised the positive outcomes of establishing sister school relationships with mainland schools, believing it could enhance students' understanding of and familiarity with the mainland. Nearly 70% of respondents felt it could ‘broaden students' horizons’ and ‘enhance their sense of national identity.’Almost 90% of teachers expressed a desire to strengthen the promotion of ‘excellent traditional Chinese culture’, ‘the magnificent landscapes and historical and cultural heritage of the motherland’, and ‘national symbols such as the national flag, national anthem, and national emblem’ within schools, aiming for a synergistic effect both inside and outside the classroom.

Quality eBooks and Online Resources Enhance Classroom Engagement

Regarding the expectations of schools and teachers, there are already many quality books and online resources available that can be effectively used to make lessons and learning activities more engaging. A diverse array of teaching materials not only helps students understand the great achievements of the country and strengthens their sense of belonging but also encourages them to leverage their strengths in the future to give back to the motherland. EdCity’s ‘eRead Scheme 2024/25’ includes quality eBooks suitable for primary and secondary students, with new additions in areas such as ‘National Education’ and ‘Values and Moral Education’. Subscribers can browse ebooks at any time to enrich classroom activities or extend their reading.

Understanding National Identity

Recommended eBooks 1. 晶晶看升旗禮 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for Key Stage 1 (P.1-P.3). This book encourages children to learn about national celebrations, flags, and regional flags of different countries in a joyful and relaxed way.

2. 這就是中國‧城市篇 1 關於北京,我知道多少呢? (Chinese Only)

Suitable for Key Stage 2 (P.4- P.6). The series is specially designed for children, featuring a question-and-answer format that guides young readers to explore China's famous mountains and rivers and experience the customs of various ethnic groups.

Online Learning Resources


1. National Education One-stop Portal

Suitable for P.1 to F.6, this platform provides teaching and learning resources related to the Constitution and the Basic Law. The student page offers reference materials and activities, such as online self-study courses on the Constitution and Basic Law.

2. 國民身份認同與中華文化 - EDB Educational MultiMedia (EMM) (Chinese Only)

Suitable for P.1 to P.6, this resource features videos related to national identity and Chinese culture, such as audio storybooks about 'Our National Flag, National Anthem, and Regional Flags' (我們的國旗、國歌和區旗有聲故事繪本), 'The Four Great Inventions of China'(中國四大發明), and 'Historical Figures and Important Events in Chinese History'(中國歷史人物與重要事件).

3. National Security Education Resource Webpage

Suitable for kindergartens to high schools. This resource uses various learning activities both inside and outside the classroom to enhance students' understanding of the rule of law and national conditions, emphasising the importance of safeguarding national security and improving their sense of national identity, as well as concepts like 'One Country, Two Systems', the rule of law, rights and duties, responsibility, commitment, respect for others and self-discipline.

4. Citizenship and Social Development

Suitable for F.4 to F.6. Prepared by the Education Bureau, this self-study resource is designed with a variety of subject themes in mind. Students can use these resources after class for reinforcement or extended learning based on their individual progress and needs. Teachers can also use these resources to encourage students to prepare before class or complete assignments afterwards, fostering self-learning abilities and habits.

History and Nature

Recommended eBooks 1. 漫畫中華上下五千年系列 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for P. 4 to F.3, this humorous comic combines historical trivia with engaging visuals to help children develop a broad perspective on history.

2.吳姐姐講歷史故事系列 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for P. 4 to F.3, this series covers a wide range of Chinese history from ancient times to the Ming Dynasty. Sister Wu carefully selects significant and educational events and figures, narrating captivating stories in simple and engaging language, complemented by beautifully illustrated pictures, allowing children to gain a comprehensive understanding of Chinese history and cultivate a correct moral perspective on history while enjoying the experience of reading.

3. 一本讀懂中國文學史(增訂版)(Chinese Only)

Suitable for P.1 to P.6. The author organises fragmented historical materials, summarising three thousand years of Chinese history, while also supplementing literary knowledge to create an easily understandable history of Chinese literature.

4. 畫說中國史1:站在文明的起跑線 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F.1 to F.6. Today, China's economic achievements attract global attention, leading many to ask, 'How did China reach this point?' Although there is no simple answer, understanding today's China can begin with understanding its past.

Cultural Heritage

Recommended eBooks 1. 圖解中醫—方劑篇 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F.4 to F.6, this book introduces the development of prescription studies, the relationship between prescriptions and treatment methods, classifications, compositions, and forms of prescriptions, as well as the dosage and administration of Chinese medicine. It provides detailed introductions to major categories of prescriptions, representative prescription syndrome analyses, medicinal properties, and usage guidelines.

2. 中華文化(第一輯) (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F.1 to F.3. This book collects ten stories related to Chinese culture, including folk legends, historical facts, traditional customs, and stories about historical figures. Understanding these stories helps readers appreciate the depth and richness of Chinese culture.

Sports, Technology, and Aerospace Achievements

Recommended eBooks 中國海洋夢:巨龍出海 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F.1 to F.3. The 'Liaoning' aircraft carrier is the first aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy, symbolising a new beginning in the journey to build a maritime power. This illustrated book depicts the glorious moments surrounding the birth of the 'Liaoning' and the stories that unfold aboard this majestic vessel.

Online Learning Resources


1. 「粵港澳大灣區」資源套(只有中文版)(Chinese Only)

Suitable for F. 1 to F.3, covering resources related to Greater Bay Area construction, the 'Belt and Road' initiative, and 'smart cities' as future directions for societal development, as well as China's advancements in high technology—such as artificial intelligence—helping students grasp concepts in life and social studies, and civic education.

2. 《巴黎奧運‧國家與香港》學與教資源_學生版 (Chinese Only)

This resource not only introduces the history of the national and Hong Kong teams participating in the Olympics but also discusses the close ties between the nation and Hong Kong in sports, allowing students to understand the inseparable relationship between the two while fostering national pride.

Virtues and Traditions

Recommended eBooks 1. 中國人的家庭智慧 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F.1 to F.6. This book analyses the transition of Chinese family culture from tradition to modernity from historical and sociological perspectives, while also reflecting on various contemporary issues facing Chinese families.

2. 晶晶的粽子 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for P. 1 to P. 3. Through the story of Jingjing making zongzi with her grandmother and hosting a 'zongzi party' with friends, children learn about the materials and steps involved in making zongzi, understand the various shapes and flavours, and grasp concepts like 'big and small' and 'dry and wet.'

3. 甚麼最寶貴──中國民間故事 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for P. 1 to P. 6. These stories from ancient times showcase the wisdom and virtues of the people, serving as valuable lessons for us. Let's open the book and step into the lives of ancient people!

4. 孝經的道與理 (Chinese Only)

Suitable for F. 4 to F. 6. This book includes an introduction, the full text of the 'Classic of Filial Piety', annotations, translations, and special analyses and discussions on topics related to the 'Classic of Filial Piety' as well as its contemporary relevance.

Online Learning Resources


致知達德:小學中華傳統美德語文學習資源 (Chinese ONly)

Suitable for P. 1 to P. 6. This program teaches traditional virtues through classic stories, fostering students to become individuals with good character, from personal development to relationships with family, friends, the nation, and the world. Stories can be listened to in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.

Let's Read

In addition to the aforementioned national education and values education books, the eRead Scheme also offers free reading packages that include ‘NET Series,’ ‘Classic English Series’, ‘Chinalane Series’, ‘Chinese Classics Series,’ ‘Modern Chinese Authors Series’, ‘Science, Nature and Living Series’, ‘Humanities, History, and Geography Series’, ‘Chinese Language Learning Resources (Secondary School)’, ‘English Language Learning Resources (Primary School)’, ‘English Language Learning Resources (Secondary School)’, and "Learning Resource for SEN’.

[1]:Survey of Educators on the Implementation of National Education