Establishing National Identity: The Role of Parents

Do children understand the significance of school flag-raising ceremonies and singing the national anthem? The government actively promotes value education, with the recently announced " Values Education Curriculum Framework (2021) (Trial Version)" focusing on Chinese culture to strengthen national education efforts. National identity is a crucial component of value education, where both school education and family education are indispensable. Parents should assist their children in understanding national education with a rational and positive attitude, enhancing their sense of national identity.

Effectively Using Online Learning Resources

Some parents face issues related to national education but are unsure where to start. In fact, the achievements of the nation in economic, political, cultural, and social realms are the first steps in establishing a sense of belonging. The government provides the following related online teaching resources suitable for primary and secondary students, which can help parents explain these concepts to their children:

Values Education - "Life Event" Exemplars Suitable for Grades: Primary 1 to Secondary 6

This includes lesson plans on "life events," covering personal growth, healthy living, family life, school life, social life, societal and national life, and work life.

National Education One-stop Portal  Suitable for Grades: Primary 1 to Secondary 6
Offers teaching resources related to the Constitution and Basic Law. The Students' page provides learning references and activities, such as online self-study courses for students on the Constitution and Basic Law.

「粵港澳大灣區」資源套(Chinese Only) Suitable for Grades: Secondary 1 to Secondary 3

Covers resources on Greater Bay Area development and the "Belt and Road" initiative, as well as "smart cities" as future societal development directions, and China's advancements in high technology, such as artificial intelligence.

EDB Educational MultiMedia (EMM)  Suitable for Grades: Primary 1 to Primary 6
Provides videos related to national identity and Chinese culture, including "Our National Flag, National Anthem, and Regional Flag: An Illustrated Storybook," "The Four Great Inventions of China," and "Important Historical Figures and Events in China."

Home-School Collaboration to Foster National Awareness

In terms of home-school collaboration, schools enhance students' understanding of the country through curricula and diverse learning activities. Parents can actively cooperate by encouraging their children to participate in relevant activities. The Education Bureau and various organizations also hold learning activities to support schools in implementing national education.

Constitution and Basic Law Territory-wide Inter-school Competition

Organized by the Curriculum Development Institute of the Education Bureau, this competition aims to encourage students to recognize the country's comprehensive development, including enhancing their understanding of important concepts like the Constitution, Basic Law, and "One Country, Two Systems." It includes both primary and secondary school divisions, with preliminary rounds (online quiz competition) and finals. The preliminary rounds will take place from February 19 to March 11, and participating students must log in using their student accounts.

National Identity (NI) Mobile App Design Competition

To support the Education Bureau’s efforts in promoting national awareness in schools, a competition will be held from January to July, allowing students to explore innovative technology while incorporating elements related to national understanding. This aims to cultivate their national consciousness and enhance their sense of national identity. There are primary (Grades 4 to 6) and secondary (Grades 1 to 4) divisions, and students can participate through school recommendations, with registration closing on February 29.

Additionally, primary and secondary schools regularly hold educational activities for parents, including workshops and seminars, to help parents understand their roles in supporting the school’s national education efforts, working together to help children become law-abiding and responsible citizens.