Outdoor Learning System Enhancing Learning and Teaching Effectiveness

In 2021, the Education Bureau (EDB) of the HKSAR launched the ‘e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme’ under the auspices of the Quality Education Fund (QEF). Twenty-two projects have been funded, starting at the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year. One funded project is EduVenture®, an outdoor learning system developed by the Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies (CLST) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). This innovative system utilises artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and cloud technologies to enable teachers to create customised outdoor learning materials and assess their students’ learning outcomes.

Transforming Outdoor Learning Paradigms Through the Innovative System

Professor Morris Jong, who is a Professor of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, the Director of CLST, and the Dean of Students of Shaw College at the CUHK, as well as the Founder of Learniveristy, has led the development of an innovative system, EduVenture®, to address traditional challenges in teaching and learning. The system is based on the principle of student self-directed inquiry, promoting anytime, anywhere learning and creating new outdoor learning experiences. The system tackled longstanding issues such as a lack of student engagement, wide learning diversity, subject-specificity, and more inquiry-based approaches by combining Education and Adventure. The system has three key components: EduVenture®X is an outdoor learning application that empowers students to engage in interactive, technology-enabled activities. EduVenture® Composer is a tool for teachers to create customised outdoor learning materials tailored to their students' needs. EduVenture® Retriever is a platform that allows teachers to view and evaluate students' learning outcomes, providing valuable data-driven insights to enhance their instructional strategies. Through this holistic approach, the system aims to transform traditional teaching and learning paradigms, breaking down barriers to student engagement and adopting innovative teaching methods.

(Currently, over 500 schools and nearly 2,700 teachers are utilising EduVenture®.)

Transcending the Boundaries of Learning: Integrating Virtual Reality across the Curriculum

Over 500 schools and nearly 2,700 teachers use the system in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as special schools. The system's versatility extends beyond traditional subject areas. Schools are now leveraging EduVenture® to create immersive outdoor experiences that transcend the boundaries of Geography and Science. For example, some schools are integrating the system into Chinese Language studies. Principal Fung Ka Chun from Sai Kung Sung Tsun Catholic School (Primary Section) emphasised fostering interactive and meaningful inquiry-based learning experiences for students. The school has embraced EduVenture® and EduVentureVR® for its excursion activities, particularly during a study tour in the Chinese mainland.

During the virtual reality tour to Guangzhou Shamian, teachers thoughtfully arranged 12 tour sites and provided students with various question formats to enhance their understanding of Shamian's historical significance. Even during the pandemic, the school utilised the system to deliver a systematic audio-visual guide accompanied by stereoscopic glasses, which allowed students to ‘tour’ the captivating attractions of Yim Tin Tsai. The experience inspired students to write Chinese travelogues about their virtual exploration of Yim Tin Tsai.

System Expands Across Disciplines, Reshaping the Learning Landscape

The system has been designed to cater to the needs of both teachers and students, fostering a holistic approach to educational transformation. Teachers have received professional development training and ongoing support to integrate the system into their teaching. They also have access to learning materials from other schools on the shared platform, allowing them to customise the content for their students. Additionally, teachers can access and adapt learning materials designed by other schools on the shared platform, enabling them to tailor the content to the specific needs of their students. For students, the system offered a seamless and engaging learning experience. By leveraging smartphones or tablet computers, students can conduct fieldwork and complete interactive activities, such as text-answering, audio recording, and video recording. Notably, the system is designed to enhance student motivation by only allowing them to access pre-set questions upon arrival at the designated site, fostering curiosity and discovery. Given the system's proven effectiveness in enhancing learning and teaching, the school plans to expand its application beyond traditional subject areas, integrating it into humanities and science disciplines. This expansion will allow students to independently explore and learn across diverse subjects through the immersive outdoor learning environment.