Back to School: Enhancing Learning Motivation of Students with Special Needs

Students with special educational needs (SEN), such as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), often require additional tools and techniques to spark their interest in learning. On 24 August (Saturday), EdCity hosted an online seminar featuring Mr Ho Ka Wah, Project Manager of the Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education at The Education University of Hong Kong, and Ms Leung Wing Sun, founder and chairwoman of the Youth Association for Special Education. They shared valuable strategies for parents on enhancing learning motivation for SEN children.

The speakers presented practical methods and techniques, including using games and storytelling to facilitate a deeper understanding of new concepts. They encouraged parents to break down learning tasks into smaller, manageable steps, thus boosting their children’s sense of accomplishmen. They also highlighted the importance of positive reinforcement. Parents were advised to avoid comparisons with peers, to recognise their children’s efforts, and to nurture a genuine love for learning.

Mr Ho Ka Wah, Project Manager of the Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education at The Education University of Hong Kong, provided parents with real-life examples to demonstrate how they can assist their children in breaking tasks into smaller parts, which can increase their sense of accomplishment in learning.

Ms Leung Wing Sun, founder and chairwoman of the Youth Association for Special Education, shared actionable tips to foster greater learning motivation in students with dyslexia.