EdCity Congratulates the Award Winners of the 16th Hong Kong Cup Diplomatic Knowledge Contest

The 16th Hong Kong Cup Diplomatic Knowledge Contest and Prize Presentation Ceremony was held on 18th May. As a steadfast supporter of contest, EdCity played a pivotal role by providing an online registration and competition platform. This contribution aimed to ignite students’ interest and deepen their understanding of national diplomatic knowledge, equipping them with a global perspective and a profound appreciation for the significance of diplomacy in global development. Mr Armstrong Lee, Chairman of the Board of EdCity, served as the guest award presenter during the ceremony. Mr Ken Ngai, Executive Director of EdCity, also attended the ceremony and extended heartfelt congratulations on the successful event, commending the student winners for their outstanding achievements. It is believed that with sustained efforts to advance education, Hong Kong students will be able to make greater contributions to the country’s future diplomatic work.  

The contest is jointly organised by the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the HKSAR (‘OCMFA’), the Education Bureau of the HKSAR Government, and the Better Hong Kong Foundation. The contest witnessed an unprecedented level of participation, with over 260 schools and an impressive count of over 67,000 students, setting new records and surpassing previous achievements. 

Board Chairman Mr Armstrong Lee (fourth row, 1st from the left) and Executive Director Mr Ken Ngai (fourth row, 1st from the right) joined HKSAR Chief Executive Mr John Lee (second row, 7th from the right), OCMFA Commissioner Mr Cui Jianchun (second row, 8th from the right), Secretary for Education of the HKSAR Government Dr Christine Choi (second row, 10th from the right), along with other guests and student winners, in a group photo.