EdCity Supports Student Participation in Financial Competitions to Enhance Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

Developing strong financial management skills equips students to better plan for their own futures and broaden their professional expertise. It also positions them to potentially become integral pillars of the economic and financial infrastructure that supports societal progress.

EdCity has always been a supporter for well-rounded education, encouraging students to seize the opportunities to put their knowledge in practice through competitions.  The recent ‘Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2024’ attracted the participation of nearly 300 secondary schools. Students demonstrated their financial acumen by tackling online quizzes and case analysis exercises, applying their knowledge to realistic scenarios. This not only deepened their understanding of financial concepts, but also honed their analytical and problem-solving abilities.

EdCity demonstrated our support for the competition by having our Executive Director, Mr Ken Ngai, serve as a judge and award presenter. EdCity is hopeful that the winning students will be able to leverage their proven strengths to make valuable contributions towards the continued progress of our society.

The Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2024 is organised by Hong Kong Economic Journal Education, co-organised by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, supported by Hong Kong Education City, partnered with St. James’ Settlement and sponsored by Visa.

The Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2024 offered students a platform to apply their financial knowledge in practical, competitive scenarios.

(From left: Mr Johnson Hui, Head of Corporate Communications, Hong Kong & Macau, Visa; Mr Ken Ngai, Executive Director of Hong Kong Education City; Mr Wong Wang Fai, Rochester, Chief Curriculum Development Officer (PSHE), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau; Ms Yvonne Lam Si Hang, Principal Education Officer (Curriculum Development), Education Bureau; Dr Christine Choi Yuk Lin, JP, Secretary for Education; Mr Darryl Chan, JP, Deputy Chief Executive, Hong Kong Monetary Authority; Ms Pandora Ip, Executive Director & Chief Commercial Officer, Hong Kong Economic Journal; Mr Cheung Yiu Kei, Senior Manager, Youth Services, St. James’ Settlement)

DMHC Siu Ming Catholic Secondary School won the championship in both the Hong Kong Area Finals and the Greater Bay Area Invitational Competition with their financial technology proposal aimed at addressing poverty issues in the Kwun Tong district.