Under Secretary for Education Dr Sze Chun Fai, JP, Visits EdCity to Strengthen Collaboration on Digital Education

In the 2024 Policy Address, the government affirmed its commitment to advancing digital education. To realise this, the government will collaborate with EdCity to further support schools in making effective use of artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies. The initiative also includes developing an online learning platform to help teachers and students acquire knowledge on AI and computational thinking, foster integration of innovation and technology into education.

On February 14th, Under Secretary for Education, Dr Sze Chun Fai, JP, visited EdCity. During the visit, Dr Sze discussed with EdCity on future collaborative strategies for advancing digital education.

Addressing the staff of EdCity, Dr Sze recognised EdCity’s work and services provided, and emphasised that since the 1998/99 school year, the Education Bureau has been actively promoting e-learning in classrooms through the  Strategies on IT in Education. ‘I am delighted to see that the Steering Committee on Strategic Development of Digital Education and EdCity share a common vision for the future,’ Dr Sze stated. ‘I am confident that our partnership will continue be strengthened.’ He also encouraged teachers and students to deepen their understanding of digital education, and actively explore the infinite possibilities that innovation and technology could bring to teaching.

Dr Sze also highlighted that EdCity is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. He expressed the anniversary celebration could offer the public a better understanding of EdCity’s contribution. Additionally, he expected that the upcoming Learning & Teaching Expo 2025, and Summit on Smart Use of AI in Education co-organised with the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research can effectively promote the sustainable development of digital education in Hong Kong.

The Under Secretary for Education, Dr Sze Chun Fai, JP, commended EdCity for its contributions and looked forward to even closer collaboration in advancing digital education in the future.

Dr Sze Chun Fai, JP (first from the left), EdCity’s Executive Director, Dr Lam Fung (second from the left), and EdCity staff gathered for a commemorative photo.