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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A: No. Domain Experts will be invited to share the information of the competition in the workshop and help the participants to have better preparation.

A: One submission can only be entered into one of the 8 awards.

A: Only one theme can be selected as the main theme.

A: Yes. All participants from primary and secondary schools are required to apply for the competition via school teachers for verification.

A: Yes. For teams consist of primary and secondary students should come from the same school. Restriction is lifted in the stream of Higher Education.

A: Yes, any changes should be made before the deadline. (12 July 2024)

A: Each team must submit an application form and upload a project proposal through the Education City website.

A: No, participants only need to submit a project proposal (should contain a Presentation file with no more than 18 slides) before the deadline.

A: The project proposal can be expressed in Chinese or English, and the file size must be within 1GB. Teams are also needed to select the interview language (English, Cantonese or Putonghua) in the application form as well.

A: No. In the screening stage, all the entries will be scored and screened by the assessors. The assessment panel will select marginal submissions with online Q&A sessions with the participants.

A: Only the list of members in the submission can attend the interview.

A: We do not require any finished products or models in the judging process. Participants can decide to have any materials for presentation.

A: The content of the project proposal will be marked according to the evaluation criteria. The level of innovation of the proposal will be part of the evaluation criteria.

A: There are 5 teams for each category.

A: Yes. Entries will receive comments from the assessors in each phrase to enhance the projects' effectiveness and completeness. The revised version should be handed in on the suggested date. Participating teams are required to submit shortlisted project proposals in accordance with the EdCity guidelines (notified via email).

A: The list will be announced on the event website and teams will be notified via email 7 days before the physical interview.