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Last Three Days! Register for Student Innovation Award Now!

Hong Kong ICT Awards 2024 – Student Innovation Award has been accepting applications, with the deadline of 12 July. Today, EdCity will introduce the theme of “Cultivating Nationalism”.

As both Hong Kong citizens and nationals, we not only have a comprehensive grasp of our nation's history but also develop a sense of connection between our personal experiences and the traditional cultural heritage of Chinese civilization. This enables us to foster a deeper affection for our country and homeland.

By integrating ICT, It provides users with a diverse learning environment. The winning team of “EdCity Teacher Award 2023” - Fung Kai Innovative School, led by the design concept of “Knowledge, Affection, Realization, Meaningfulness and Action”, combined electronic textbook teaching materials with National Security Education and values. Incorporating these elements into the curriculum cultivate students' good moral character and enhance national identity recognition.

Welcome any young person passionate about social technology innovation join the Student Innovation Award and put their ideas into practice, using their own strengths to drive social progress!"

Apply Now: edcity.hk/ictawards/submission

Application Deadline: 12 July 2024(Friday)

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