[SAVE THE DATE] Hong Kong ICT Awards 2025: Student Innovation Award
Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) will soon organise the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2025: Student Innovation Award. Students are cordially invited to apply for the award, so that they can give full play to their creativity and knowledge of information and communications technology (ICT) and come up with solutions that are conducive to the development of our society.
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2025: Student Innovation Award will start accepting applications on 22 April, with a deadline of 14 July. The Award is divided into four streams, Primary, Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary and Higher Education. There is no limit on the number of teams that each school can send to participate in the Award. There are five themes in this year's Student Innovation Awards, namely, Enhancing Learning, Promoting Wellness, Cultivating Nationalism, Enhancing Information Literacy and Solving Social Issues. Participating teams can choose one of the five themes and come up with focused solutions and proposals that are in line with their knowledge in ICT. Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit Awards will be given in each stream to recognise the achievements of outstanding projects.
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2025: Student Innovation Award will be divided into three stages, included Screening, Assessment and Category Judging, tentatively scheduled from 17 to 25 July, 5 to 9 August and 21 August 2025 respectively. Apart from Screening, the other judging stages will be conducted in a physical format, where all the shortlisted teams will have the opportunity to showcase their creations in front of a professional judging panel! This year, EdCity has set up an AI Corner to provide students with different types of self-learning resources so that they can learn about the latest technological developments and create their best solutions.
To receive the latest information about the programme, please fill in the 'Programme Information Subscription' form or visit the website at https://edcity.hk/ictawards.

Please click here for the schedule of "Hong Kong ICT Awards 2025: Student Innovation Award Programme" (Tentative)